PROSPETTIVA NEVSKI. La sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro tra oggetti di attacco e oggetti di attaccamento

Michela Da Prato, Giuseppe Cardamone, Salvatore Inglese


PERSPECTIVE NEVSKI. Occupational safety and health between attack objects and attachment objects

Occupational safety and health represent one of the main interesting scopes within the broad field of the problems concerning migrants and societies, which have been by now structurally reconstructed on the multicultural front.  In this direction the ethnopsychiatric perspective can give useful tools of theoretical and methodological analysis to be placed at the beginning of future projects and future operational interventions. In order to develop an argument about the topic of 'occupational safety and health' it is worth to highlight those weighty elements which act upon the environments of material production:  the socio-politicalcatalysts (linked to group human identities and institutions);  the limited and identitycatalysts (linked to single human identities and connected to the activities of violation of a duty and effraction of a right);  the institutionalcatalysts and the ensuing objects (legislative intentions, regulations, sanctions, controls, etc.).

The analysis of these preliminary elements allows to reconsider the enforcement of laws as regards occupational safety – specially as far as migrant workers is concerned – in terms of mechanism and attack objects where the work to integrate culturally and locally determined social roots is not provided for. On the other hand, we think that an activity of prevention should be able to affect the attachment objects and processes which appeal to the cultural and psychological attachment applications of an individual as regards her/his own group. The core of our interest lies, therefore, in the possible comparison/conflict among systems of cultural attachment. This is important, as we may regard migration as an event which dislocates the native identities and it is a risk factor even for occupational safety and health. The ‘indemnity syndrome’ is a paradigmatic example of how clinical and existential implications may be linked to general social issues: the problems between  inculturation and acculturation, the destabilization of the system of values and of the presence dynamic, the difficulties in the manifold and mixed cultural belonging.



Ethnopsychiatric, occupational safety and health, indemnity syndrome, comparison/conflict among cultures, attachment objects, attack objects, inculturation, acculturation

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Riferimenti bibliografici

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Latour B. (2001), “Factures/fractures: de la notion de réseau à celle d’attachement”, Ethnopsy, 2, 43-66.

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Editore: Giuseppe Licari dal 2013 - piazza Lodi 4, 26100 Cremona

Rivista scientifica ISSN: 2281-8960 - registrata presso il Tribunale di Cremona: registro stampa n° 323/2013.