Gruppi e dispositivi di traduzione clinica

Filippo Casadei, Salvatore Inglese, Sergio Zorzetto, Giuseppe Cardamone


Group and device clinic translation

We present some conclusions of a research project that was developed in the “Azienda Sanitaria” of Prato between the 2004 and the 2005. This multi-disciplinary research aimed at a) the quantitative analysis of immigrant people who accessed the mental health ser-vices, b) the qualitative analysis of the interactions between the social service and the immi-grant users, and c) the experimentation of a research and clinical setting implemented by the linguistic mediation to cope with the problems of immigrant patients (children and adults). This article focuses on the last point, and reports a series of observations that were made dur-ing the clinical group-sessions. Through the analysis of some clinical sketches we try to under-stand how translation works, and which field-effects a multi-professional and multi-linguistic setting has on the clinical work. The following remarks were made: 1. the clinical translation elicits new contents, that would remain unexpressed or even unthought without the interlin-guistic exchange; 2. the use of the ‘matrix-language’ allows the patient to be active, and to re-take possession of his/her own thought system; 3. thanks to the multi-linguistic setting the clinical field becomes more complex, new phenomena appear; 4. the interpreter in particular is put under stress by this type of setting, and his/her conditions should be attentively monitored during the clinical process.


Group, clinic, translation, mediation

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Editore: Giuseppe Licari dal 2013 - piazza Lodi 4, 26100 Cremona

Rivista scientifica ISSN: 2281-8960 - registrata presso il Tribunale di Cremona: registro stampa n° 323/2013.