La funzione triadica del conduttore nei gruppi con genitori adottivi: una risposta operativa ad un cambio di paradigma nell’adozione

Angela Sordano


The leader’s triadic function in adoptive parents group. An operational response to a paradigm shift in the adoption

In the last years, in Italy, many conceptual changes have occurred in the praxis and in the adoption culture. Actually, the adoption is no more considered a rupture with the past, but it is characterized by a larger continuity in the child personal history. The different perspective has fronted some problems in the fracture of the child’s meaningful relationships, but in the other side it has implicated a longer transition from the disturbed birth family to the adoptive one. The meta-analytic studies on adoption have put in evidence how the majority of adopted children presents special needs and those, which has deepened the causes at the basis of adoptive disruption, pointed out the question of the deficiency in affiliation process. The high number of suffering children located in adoptive families points out the necessity of a treatment supporting all passages in cycle of life of the adoptive family, especially in adolescence. The group represents a privileged setting to front the integration where there is an empty hole in the mutual understanding. The clinical vignettes show the leader’s function in holding the group triangular process and in favouring the intersubjective exchange within the participants. Intersubjectivity in the group refers either to the genetic predisposition to the social competence, either to the sociological concept of a triadic process in the groups. The intersubjective paradigm defines differently the way to conceive the leader’s function in the group. The leader must avoid individual interpretation or on the group dynamic and favour the triangulation of interpersonal or representational pairs.


Adoption, family, group, leader, triangular process

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Editore: Giuseppe Licari dal 2013 - piazza Lodi 4, 26100 Cremona

Rivista scientifica ISSN: 2281-8960 - registrata presso il Tribunale di Cremona: registro stampa n° 323/2013.