L’ultimo terrazzo di Borgalto. Etnografia della marginalizzazione dei piccoli centri rurali nel Piemonte meridionale
The last terrace in Borgalto. Ethnography of the marginalization of rural villages in southern Piedmont
The work presents the marginalization of rural communities in Italy. It especially introduces the ethnographic results of a research conducted between 2014 and 2016 in the Southern part of Piedmont: the history of Borgalto and its terraces. The ethnographic analysis describes the horizon of ordinary affections marking the process of marginalization in order to outline a first anthropological profile.
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Editore: Giuseppe Licari dal 2013 - piazza Lodi 4, 26100 Cremona
Rivista scientifica ISSN: 2281-8960 - registrata presso il Tribunale di Cremona: registro stampa n° 323/2013.