Analisi dei programmi di educazione finanziaria nelle scuole
Analysis of financial education programs in the schools
The issues of financial education and the degree of "literacy" of citizens (financial literacy) are of great importance since the financial choices have decisive consequences not only on the quality and our way of life as individuals, but it also has repercussions to the community. The issue of financial education is relevant to a broad set of reasons: the increasing spread of credit instruments are differentiated and targeted specifically to the citizens, the need to equip the population with more information on the functioning of the banking system and credit , even after the recent (and ongoing) economic and financial crisis , the emergence of studies which show that in our country, the low level of financial literacy of citizens and the parallel emergence of numerous initiatives are very much disconnected from each other. The research analyzed, starting from behavioral economics (behavioral economics), suggests that differences in people's access to resources and financial institutions also affect the ability of young people to absorb and act on the knowledge and skills learned in the course of financial education. The financial culture is not just about knowing how to invest their savings or perform financial calculations, but covers a wide range of decisions and actions we take from school: the management of the first pocket money, the opening of a bank account, using a credit card, accept a job rather than another, choose how and when to pay a fine or to decide whether to take out a mortgage to buy a house. The financial culture is closely linked to the concept of "financial inclusion" and, therefore, social inclusion in a broader sense and that of citizenship.
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Editore: Giuseppe Licari dal 2013 - piazza Lodi 4, 26100 Cremona
Rivista scientifica ISSN: 2281-8960 - registrata presso il Tribunale di Cremona: registro stampa n° 323/2013.