Mens sana in corpore sano: gli studenti più attivi sono gli studenti migliori? Una rassegna di ricerche psicologiche sulla relazione tra attività motoria e performance scolastica ed accademica
Mens sana in corpore sano: the most active students are the best students? A Review of Psychological Research on the Relationship between Physical Activity and Scholastic and/or Academic Performance
Literature considers physical activity and sport as key elements for a healthy lifestyle, producing not only physical but also psychic well-being. However, a not very investigated element is the presence of a possible relationship between school or academic performance and the participation in physical activity and sport in groups of pre-adolescents and adolescents. In order to clarify the complex relationship between mind and body in pre-adolescence and adolescence, this piece of work analyzes, in a first part, the causal and direct relationship between sport activity and performance; in a second part, it describes how this relationship can be mediated by the sense of self-esteem and self-efficacy; and finally, the last part investigates the relationship between group sport practice and school or academic performance. This article shows the presence of a significant relationship between physical activity, sport and academic performance, especially as far as logical-mathematical skills and Italian and English language learning abilities are concerned. What is more, this research points out that physical activity and sport determine an increase in the students’ self-esteem and self-efficacy, due to a better school performance.
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