Una visione potenzialmente orientata sull’impresa

Manfred Moldaschl


A Potential-Oriented View of the Firm

Strategic Management as a discipline was dominated by approaches and contributions from US scholars for the last decades. This situation did not change with the paradigmatic change from a prevailing market-based view to the resource based view of the firm since the 1990ies. But the latter family of theories seemed to be more adequate to (particularly central-)European styles of management thinking. A fact that might help to understand the success of these approaches in the Euro-pean management discourse. So far, it would not make much sense to search for a “more” European perspective just in order to claim continental autonomy and identity. In this paper I will discuss some common characteristics of the resource based view(s), strengths and shortcomings, and I will sketch a potential-oriented perspective as an alternative on the basis of socio-economics. An example may contrast the macro-perspective and represents resource-theories at the basic micro-level, stemming from health science. We defined health as part of human resources above. However, there are also psychological approaches that explain health and the coping of work load on the basis of a resource model, for example Antonovsky (1991) in his theory of salutogenesis. It is necessary to examine whether and where their basic assumptions can be measured against those of socio-economics.


Sustainability, resource based-view, firm, socio-economy

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Editore: Giuseppe Licari dal 2013 - piazza Lodi 4, 26100 Cremona

Rivista scientifica ISSN: 2281-8960 - registrata presso il Tribunale di Cremona: registro stampa n° 323/2013.