La supervisione: strumento di formazione continua per operatori di Comunità Terapeutiche Assistite

Serena Giunta


Supervision: a tool for continuous training for operators of Therapeutic Communities Assisted

 The work in social organizations is today very complex and full of difficulties. The transformation of regulatory frameworks, the socio-political complexity and the difficulties related to specific actions deeply affect the working groups that operate in the social, increasing the already widespread need to be supported. The following work, to this end, will strongly consider the richness and diversity of needs that social workers (cooperatives, community, etc.) express, referring to a complex and varied idea of "care for their development and function" (Basaglia, 1968). It is in this perspective that the instrument of supervision, born within the psychoanalytic tradition as a means of training the psychoanalyst student (Grinberg, 1989), is inserted as accompanying action and support to facilitate the achievement of missions and objectives through the reworking of experiences and the analysis of carried out processes. This paper presents an overview on the state of the art of the studies in Italy on the subject of supervision and the importance that this instrument plays in specific care settings such as the Therapeutic Community. Supervision, in fact, while still preserving the original function, gradually assumes a plurality of tasks and functions related to the various aspects of care. In Italy, in particular, the reflection on the meaning, utility and institutional forms of supervision has started with the closure of mental hospitals, where new ways of treating the territory (residential communities, day care centers, etc.) led the GP to request supervisions both to facilitate the understanding and handling of unknown situations, and to promote the development of new therapeutic programs.

Supervision concerns the operation of the therapeutic device and the protection thereof with respect to a plurality of problems which may feed (in the therapist or the treating group), the block of the ability to think and work thereby preventing the reorganization of the therapeutic device itself. So, if the goal of care is to meet the users’ needs and offer services as effective and efficient as possible, the evaluation of services, and in particular of supervision as an aspect of "self-observation and re-modulation" of the treating device, allows you to create a dialogue between research and the clinic, to question the ways and purposes of care, its iatrogenic risks in order to optimize methods and results of the therapeutic intervention, improve the cost-time/benefits ratio, and raise the level of professional quality thus increasing personal satisfaction.


Supervision, operators, therapeutic communities assisted

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Riferimenti bibliografici

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Editore: Giuseppe Licari dal 2013 - piazza Lodi 4, 26100 Cremona

Rivista scientifica ISSN: 2281-8960 - registrata presso il Tribunale di Cremona: registro stampa n° 323/2013.