Sono donna, musulmana, migrante tra le sponde del Mediterraneo. Narrazioni di identità e percorsi di integrazione

Vera Nardo, Mauro Sarrica, Marisa Cemin, Alberta Contarello


I'm a woman, a Muslim, migrant between the shores of the Mediterranean. Narratives of identity and integration paths

The aim of the present research - which focuses on the narrative interview, a research instrument of linguistic repertoires used to legitimate one's own feelings and experiences is to give voice to a somehow silent presence in our society, that of Muslim women from North Africa. We chose to consider the concepts of identity and culture as dynamic entities, flexible and negotiable, which challenged us to grasp the plurality of symbolic, cultural and relational reference points the interlocutors adopt in narrating their migratory experience. Initially we refer to the concept of acculturation, enriching it with recent developments in social identity theory as well as classic research on integration. Partially structured narrative interviews were carried out on twenty women, nine of whom were cultural mediators. The collected texts were analysed using statistical and IT software. The results lend partial support to a bicultural model of acculturation, but also prompt the need for further research in order to take into account the multiplicity of the negotiated contents, the situationality of the adopted strategies, and the dimensions and groups chosen for comparison. Moving along the confines which both separate and join qualitative and quantitative theories and methods, and by listening carefully to the narratives, our study attempts to reconstruct some basic features of identities in transition.


Identity, migrant, narrative interview

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Editore: Giuseppe Licari dal 2013 - piazza Lodi 4, 26100 Cremona

Rivista scientifica ISSN: 2281-8960 - registrata presso il Tribunale di Cremona: registro stampa n° 323/2013.