La storia come pensiero vertiginoso del gruppo

Giuseppe Mininni


Story as dizzy thought of group

Every organization could be read as a peculiar set of shard meanings, and like a contraction never completed guarantied concerning an agreement about how the things are and how they should be gone. The metaphor of the text is good to explain the organization cause characterized of coherence and cohesions. The self-efficacy sense of the operators is necessary for an efficient and “good” organization. If we thought about organizations as texts we can better understand their needs to talk them selves. The challenge concerning the “historical speech” is one of the more important constitutional practices of one community or social group identity. The comparison between the different versions of events makes very dynamic the concept of the historical truth. The need of reviewing the self-history is not just an abstract wish but also a concrete way to understand our lives. Considering every one history, asks to the community to elaborate an identity where everybody can feel the social experience. The battle concerning historical identity is a good example of the practice of discourse. The historical speech realized the passageway from “histories” to “history”. From the comparison between different facts version, we can elaborate a knowledge profile. If this profile is shared, it can constitute a horizon of identity for the community. The comparison between the interpretation try to make a transitional agreement about the past in order to chose a possible future. The group feels the need to recount its-self not for recognize its conditions, but also to accept choose and roles of the group member.


Organization, text, group, history

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Editore: Giuseppe Licari dal 2013 - piazza Lodi 4, 26100 Cremona

Rivista scientifica ISSN: 2281-8960 - registrata presso il Tribunale di Cremona: registro stampa n° 323/2013.