Introduzione a “Dalla Psicoanalisi alla Psicologia Sociale” di E. Pichon-Rivière e A. Pampliega Quiroga

Raffaele Fischetti


An introduction to “from psychoanalysis to social psychology” by E. Pichon-Riviere and A. Pampliega Quiroga

The author makes an introduction of the document “From psychoanalysis to social psychology” elaborated by Pichon-Riviere and Anna P. Quiroga in 1972. The authors describe their own position in the ambit of an alight polemic existed in the first private school of social psychology of Buenos Aires and in the school of social psychology of Tucuman. This text has been written during an agitated social situation that also expresses itself in the scientific field in terms of debate and dispute. The passageway from a disciplinary field to another one had deeply involved the structure of these doctrines. This passageway caused transformations that Pichon-Riviere called “a new problematic for”. In some way, Pichon Riviere tried to leave the psychoanalytical device and made a new or “other” social psychology that operates with the psychoanalytical method. A new series of knowledge are introduced in order to create a field with new premised of the psychical life problem. Among them, it is possible to examine the knowledge of context, requirement, behaviour, tie, theory of ambles, areas of fenomenical expression, daily life critics.


Social psychology, tie, daily life

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Editore: Giuseppe Licari dal 2013 - piazza Lodi 4, 26100 Cremona

Rivista scientifica ISSN: 2281-8960 - registrata presso il Tribunale di Cremona: registro stampa n° 323/2013.