Il Training Group narrato. Analisi dei significati emergenti dai resoconti dei partecipanti al seminario
In this article we develop some considerations related to the T-group seminar. This seminar has had its maximum expression in the 1970s in a particular political and social context. Today, it is perhaps opportune to revalue its finalities and to under-stand how the participants live this experience. It is perhaps necessary to question if the modalities through which this initiative is usually introduced are still valid and able to show the schemes through which we relate to the others and the way the others perceive our behaviour. In this sense, it opens a path of research whose aim is to revive a discussion about the practice of the seminar of sensitization to the personal relationships and of group. This paper tries to investigate inside the group-ing process of emotions and experiences. For this purpose, we have used the narra-tions written by the participants at the conclusion of the seminar, analyzing them through the T-lab software. This had allowed us to draw some conclusions about the effects the seminar has on the participants, with particular attention to their emotions and sensations of change as the main themes which comes out from the texts. This paper confirms the results of the previous studies related to the themes about the learning process and the purposes of the seminar. Nonetheless, a mean-ingful difference with regard to the livings of “change” related to the age variable.
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Editore: Giuseppe Licari dal 2013 - piazza Lodi 4, 26100 Cremona
Rivista scientifica ISSN: 2281-8960 - registrata presso il Tribunale di Cremona: registro stampa n° 323/2013.