Il sé (anche patologico) come l’effetto di una scena rappresentata: il contributo dell’attività teatrale al cambiamento nella clinica dei disturbi alimentari
The self (even when pathological) as the end product of a dramatic experience: the role of dramatisation in effecting change in the treatment of eating disorders
This article proposes to illustrate some theories and to explore the relationship be-tween dramatisation and self-representation. 15 amateur actors and 15 patients in a centre for eating disorders were interviewed following dramatisations inspired by the Stanislavski method. Using semi-structured interviews and modified repertory grids, we compared and analysed the relationship between how individuals depicted themselves on the stage and self-perceptions, concentrating specifically on the im-portance of the “clinical setting” in our analysis of the outcomes. Starting with the conjecture (the first section of this article considers where such references are to be found in existing account) that reality and identity are con-cepts that constantly change in the course of interactions, we can assume that eve-ryone functions and intentionally self-characterise in established ways, depending on the interaction and their role. Kelly’s “established role therapy” and Moreno’s “psycho-drama” provide examples of how change can be effected, and how, prompted by the therapist, exclusive “versions” of the self can be created. Thus even so called “illnesses” could be seen as one of many self-representations, and as such could be changed by suggesting and acting out different roles. Dramatisations understood as possible self-explorations therefore represent enormous potential for clinical issues and for bringing about change.
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