Cambiamento e management di servizi complessi: la scheda etno-narrativa per sostenere buoni processi di convivenza

Mara Gorli, Silvio Carlo Ripamonti, Laura Galuppo


Change and Management of Complex Services: The Ethno-Narrative Record to Support Good Cohabitation Practices

Managing change in complex services requires nowadays the middle management to re-design its objects and professional practices in order to cope with new needs. Therefore, it seems crucial to activate educational settings which could allow managers to: 1) develop analytical skills for researching around their own practices and professional objects 2) face and manage the conflict, which physiologically emerges in every change, and represents an opportunity to reflect and review one’s own practices; 3) build new shared repertories of managerial practices, able to rebuild new relational agreements and forms of cohabitation. Moving from these hypotheses, the paper presents the case of an intervention conducted in an educational service organization, and discusses a specific formative tool used to help middle managers face the change, by exchanging experiences and reflections and finally building new generative forms of cohabitation in a scenario of challenging transformation.



Organizational cohabitation, change, management, reflexivity, ethno-narrative record

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Editore: Giuseppe Licari dal 2013 - piazza Lodi 4, 26100 Cremona

Rivista scientifica ISSN: 2281-8960 - registrata presso il Tribunale di Cremona: registro stampa n° 323/2013.