Identità, famiglia, relazioni fra gruppi e svantaggio socio-educativo come fattori di insuccesso scolastico. Uno studio trasversale in un gruppo di studenti siciliani di scuola media inferiore

Monica Pellerone, Tiziana Ramaci, Sandra Miccichè, Nicola Malizia


Identity, family, relationships between groups and socio-educational disadvantage. As factors of school failure. A cross-sectional study in a group of middle school students of the Sicilian hinterland

The paper that we propose is a research on the adolescent phase and, in particular, on relationships that adolescents develop in school context. The present research was structured according to a multidimensional prospective, influenced by personal variables such as identity development; social variables such as the relationship that student creates with family and school, and even, the parent-teacher relationship; and, economic-cultural variables such as the characteristics of socio-educational environment. In synthesis results indicate that students with low identity profile have difficulty in school adaptation and acceptance of one’s body; students with conflictual family relationships manifest reduced emotional maturity and family adaptation. Furthermore, the negative perception that parents have of their family roles and a low level of student’s emotional regulation are predictive of school discomfort. Through this research we wanted to explore the value and influence of the socio-educational and emotional context as an essential step in the knowledge about school maladjustment.


Identity, family, peer relationships, socio-educational disadvantage, school discomfort

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Editore: Giuseppe Licari dal 2013 - piazza Lodi 4, 26100 Cremona

Rivista scientifica ISSN: 2281-8960 - registrata presso il Tribunale di Cremona: registro stampa n° 323/2013.