La “scoperta” di territori nuovi “offerti” allo jus communicationis
The “discovery” of new territories offered to the jus communicationis
This work suggests that the human sciences have so much to learn from a small booklet which has now reached almost all the cultures. It is The Little Prince. It emphasizes the Little Prince attitude when facing the otherness and it is proposed to the scholars of culture and human behavior – to the anthropologist in particular -, to surrender facing the cultures as the prince is surrendering in the face of the diversity he comes across, first the fox, then the rose etc., thus not being an encounter to educate the others to make them closer, but live the diversities as a value. Through this introduction it is asked to reason about one period of the European culture, and precisely about the period of the discovery ofAmerica. The year 1492 for Europe indicates the time when the Old Continent assumes a particular geopolitical centrality to lead the recently discoveredNew World. As we know, however, the new land is not recognized in its diversity, and with surgical precision will be demolished piece by piece to make it resemble more and more toEurope. This work also suggests how the European, I don’t try to incline the world towards me, assign the same treatment to the old world of Africa and the colonialism of the last century will leave bitter traces. The contribute ends by thinking about a way to understand the relationships between the cultures taking back into consideration the concept of Luigi Ferraioli where he writes that the natural law confers to the right to communicate of de Vitoria the acknowledgement of thought, rational, normative and objective,; and it’s in wanting to establish, it’s his link, an universal human society governed by axiomatic structure: free circulation of people and goods. Assumption placed at the base of the new modernity with which the world has to reckon on a daily basis.
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Editore: Giuseppe Licari dal 2013 - piazza Lodi 4, 26100 Cremona
Rivista scientifica ISSN: 2281-8960 - registrata presso il Tribunale di Cremona: registro stampa n° 323/2013.