Organizzazione dei Servizi alla persona e promozione della salute

Giuseppe Licari


Organization of the Services to the person and promotion of the health

This focus wants I handed as reading stimulus for the next articles, particularly as reflection on the context in which they operate the services to the person. I contest general where the relationships of exchange happen and befriend them and specific context of promotion of the health and prevention of the illness.

The sustained thesis is inherent to the necessity to think new forms of organization of the social life and the professional life of the Services. New based organization on the share and the cooperation between citizens and Services and among different present professional figures in the different Services.

The role of the context appears, now never, of necessary importance also to the light of the changes imposed by the processes of globalization that have put in crisis concepts as those of identity and safety, ferrying us in the necessity to actively participate in the social one to understand from the inside which you/they can be the most coherent answers to give safety in the social and new identity to the present operators in the Services.


Contest, social, services to person, organizzation

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Riferimenti bibliografici

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D’Alema M., Licari G., Cori P., (2010), Processi Partecipativi e sviluppo sostenibile, Cleup, Padova.

Olivetti Manoukian F., (1998), Produrre servizi, il Mulino, Bologna, 1998.

Orsenigo, A. Quando le organizzazioni sono un sostegno al cambiamento, in “Animazione So-ciale”, n. 1, Torino, 2007s.


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Editore: Giuseppe Licari dal 2013 - piazza Lodi 4, 26100 Cremona

Rivista scientifica ISSN: 2281-8960 - registrata presso il Tribunale di Cremona: registro stampa n° 323/2013.