Le Comunità Terapeutiche Riabilitative Protette in Veneto: una ricerca esplorativa sui processi che ne configurano l'identità attraverso l'analisi dei discorsi legislativi e amministrativi

Mara Olocco, Rossella Festa, Paolo Cottone


Therapeutic and Rehabilitation Protected Communities in Veneto: an explorative research about their identity processes analysing legislative and administrative discourses

The study, based on the theoretical assumptions of social constructionism and symbolic interactionism, takes shape as a "background ethnography" for the research of the configuration processes of the Therapeutic and Rehabilitation Protected Communities in Veneto. Recent research on "psychiatric and residential services" showed a substantial heterogeneity between these structures, called to respond to unique criteria defined at both regional and national level, but operating in specific contexts and with different users. This situated process contributes to a continuous redefinition by the communities, including through the working practices, of their value to the user configuration. This work presents a discourse analysis, in the critical approach, of texts (national and regional) and documents describing the CTRP. It focuses on shaping the political-legal and administrative frame for the research context and on highlighting how communities constitute their identities, objectives and the users of their service, or not consistent with the legislative references and the theoretical and ideological assumptions that characterize them. The study is part of a research project aimed to understand the relationship between law, service definitions, discourses and practices of careers and users of psychiatric and rehabilitation community, the complexity of a reality painted as the confluence of legal, sociological, anthropological, psychological and psychiatric accounts.


C.T.R.P., mental health, law, critical discourse analysis

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Editore: Giuseppe Licari dal 2013 - piazza Lodi 4, 26100 Cremona

Rivista scientifica ISSN: 2281-8960 - registrata presso il Tribunale di Cremona: registro stampa n° 323/2013.