La dipendenza da Internet: Il fenomeno dell’IGD in un campione non clinico di videogiocatori di MOBA e MMORPG

Calogero Iacolino, Ester M.C. Lombardo, Brenda Cervellione, Giuseppe Mannino, Salvatore Micieli


Internet Addiction Disorder: Internet Gaming Disorder in a Non Clinical Sample of MOBA and MMORPG Videoplayers

This study aims at investigating on two specific kinds of videogames: MOBA and MMORPG. The sample is made up of 1121 subjects, 80.4 % of whom are male, while the participants’ average age is 22.94 years (DS= 6.685).

Subjects involved were recruited online administering a batch of self-report tests composed of: IAT, TAS-20, PID-5-BF and BIS-11.

One of the purposes of the study was to find out if involved subjects had obtained high scores in the various administered scales. Score analyses pointed out that they do not exceed the respective cut-off scores for each scale. What is more, referring to the average score reported in the IAT total dimension, the sample was divided in three clusters, in order to find out in the sample three kinds of users: non problematic, problematic and “addicted” players.

The research has highlighted that the variable “videogame typology” exerts an influence on some personality traits, leading those who excessively use them to be more exposed to experience negative emotions (anxiety and depression), avoid socio-emotional involvement and get in touch with bizarre and culturally incongruent thoughts (accompanied by the respective behavioral displays).


internet, videogames, dependence, psychological problems

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Editore: Giuseppe Licari dal 2013 - piazza Lodi 4, 26100 Cremona

Rivista scientifica ISSN: 2281-8960 - registrata presso il Tribunale di Cremona: registro stampa n° 323/2013.